Number of the records: 1
The invisible poet
Title information The invisible poet : T.S. Eliot / Hugh Kenner Personal name Kenner, Hugh, 1923-2003 (Author) Edition statement Repr. Publication London : Methuen, 1966 Scope 13, 298 s. Edition University paperbacks 136
University paperbacksCountry United Kingdom Language English Document kind monografie Personal subjects Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns) 1888-1965 - britsko-americký básník, dramatik, esejista a literární kritik Keywords americká literatura * anglická literatura * básníci * studie UDC 821.111(73) * 821.111 Uživatelské pole PNP Retrokatalog book
Call number Track No. Location Info M 69 d 25 7795/69-P
Number of the records: 1